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why nonprofits should consider an animated video?

The goal of every nonprofit is to reach more users and raise awareness as quickly as possible. This results in nonprofits creating a website full of content in order to generate as many clicks as possible back to their website. The problem is most users will not read through your entire website and may just skim through it if you catch their eye with some images to compliment your content. So what’s the fix? An explainer animated video for your nonprofit.

An explainer video is a short, fun, and, most importantly, informative video that usually last between 2 to 3 minutes. An explainer video is light and easy to watch and draws viewers into learning about your nonprofit. Viewers will be able to connect with your nonprofit in a matter of minutes instead of having to take a longer time to read about what your nonprofit is trying to do. Explainer videos are the future of nonprofit marketing.

What is an explainer video?

An explainer video is a short, fun, and, most importantly, informative video that usually last between 2 to 3 minutes. An explainer video is light and easy to watch and draws viewers into learning about your nonprofit. Viewers will be able to connect with your nonprofit in a matter of minutes instead of having to take a longer time to read about what your nonprofit is trying to do. Explainer videos are the future of nonprofit marketing.

Why should you create an animated video?

When most nonprofits think about creating a video, they lean more towards a traditional video using real actors. While that is one way to do it, we recommend using an animated video, which we believe will capture the user’s interest more readily. This is the reason why most for-profits turn to an animated explainer video.

So what makes a good animated video for a nonprofit? Why should you make one for your nonprofit? How can you do it? We’re going to answer these questions, show your nonprofit who it can turn to for an animated explainer video and at the end show 3 examplesΒ of what we believe are the best animated explainer videos out there.

An investment, not an expense.

Marketing and branding your nonprofit should never be considered an expense, but an investment. Creating a video about what your nonprofit does is essential. Keep in mind that most users will not have the time to read your entire site, so giving them the option to watch a 2-3 minute video can make a big difference for your nonprofit. The great thing is that creating a video is a one-time investment; once it’s paid for, it’s yours. There’s no monthly fee to keep up with or to optimize it. However, you want to avoid skimping on a budget for a video. A quality video will draw in quality donations and exposure, so expect to spend around $1,000 to $5,000 for an animated explainer video.

A video is not a brochure

A video is not a brochure or a long article. It’s purpose is to identify a problem, show how your nonprofit is working to find a solution for this problem, and how people can help. This should all be done in a video no longer than 3 minutes; but if you are able to do in 2 minutes, you’re golden. Everyone who visits your website will see this video. If done right, they will begin to click around your website and build a stronger relationship with your nonprofit by learning even more about it.

Following this, you’ll want to ask viewers of your video and visitors to your website to donate or subscribe to your e-newsletter. Take note that most people will not donate the first time around on your website, so keeping contact with them is essential. Make sure your e-newsletter strategy is top notch and yourΒ branding is being done right. This, along with your animated explainer video will greatly help your nonprofit.

Having no end-goal

Creating a video is a great investment with the potential for a greater return. It will help your nonprofit rank higher on search engines and make your nonprofit seem modern. But remember, just like your other strategies have an end-goal, so should your video. Are you going to ask people to donate? Subscribe? Talk about this with your team to determine what is your ultimate goal, whether it be donations or advertising your latest nonprofit campaign, and how you’re going to achieve that goal. Don’t think of your video as an AB strategy or as the do-all of your website. Your video may be part A, a newsletter subscription part B, and donations part DΒ of the strategy you choose. These all must work together for your goal, but including a video in that strategy will pay for itself when done right.


Author theparadox

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