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paradox studio incorporated


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Our expertise over multimedia has garnered us the opportunity to work with clientele like MAS, Telekom Malaysia, Unilever, Ford, Philips, Sony, Reckitt Benkizer, Formula 1 , Maxis and many more international and local entities, to produce great videos for them.

What’s The Ideal Length Of Online Videos?

By Food for thoughtNo Comments

videotn1Our research and experience point to 90 seconds being the ideal length. According to Youtube statistics, this is the point the attention span of the average viewer. If the product demands, it can of course be made longer, but two minutes should be the limit, so that the videos can remain entertaining. It’s critical for the potential clients to watch it all the way through.

How Long Does It Take To Create A Video?

By Tips & TricksNo Comments

16-10The creation of a video usually takes X to Y weeks, but it might take up to two months, so it’s best to start working two months prior to the campaign! The concept creation is around X-Y day, the script writing can take between X-Y days, the illustration development takes around X-Y days and the animation phase around X-Y days.

How Much Does A Video Cost?

By TechnicalsNo Comments

The Cost of video depends on a lot of things including duration, number of shoots, location, talents, post production, animations and the list goes on and on… Every Video’s cost is different from a 30 sec Ad being the most expensive one…

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