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What We Have To Offer

By TechnicalsNo Comments

Paradox Studio offers a diverse portfolio of professional video production services tailored to your specific needs. Over the years we have produced professional videos for leading blue chip companies, as well as being involved in a number of projects for local authorities, charities and societies. Why not take a look at our portfolio to see the kind of work we do? link to portfolio here

Our video production services really are in a league of their own and we are proud to produce videos that are consistently slick, powerful and memorable. Paradox Studio’s video production services are always in high demand, not only because we’re setting new industry standards, but also thanks to our competitive pricing. If you’re searching for an exceptional video production service, look no further! Read More

Why Choose Paradox Studio?

By TechnicalsNo Comments
[rb_quote] We love what we do. We offer realistic yet competitive pricing. We keep our promises and we deliver the highest quality videos on time, every time. Yes, there are a whole host of video production companies around, but there are none quite like us at Paradox Studio. Don’t just take our word for it, feast your eyes on our show-reels and take a look at some of our other recent video production work. [/rb_quote] [rb_divider] [/rb_divider]

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10 Reason Non-Profits Should Choose YouTube

By Tips & TricksNo Comments

How should your non-profit share video online? There’s no shortage of options. Brightcove, YouTube, Vimeo, Kewego, SeeToo, Akami, and so on.

Most media websites, like the NYTimes or TV channels, have their own custom video players. This is so they can earn ad revenue, or exclusively show their content in the context of their website. As a NGO, your goals look different. Whether you’re advocating, informing or motivating, the point of your non-profit video is for people to see it, not to make ad revenue. Here’s 10 reasons why I think your org should go with YouTube. Read More