ADP is working along with NEEDS (Network for Education & Economic Development Services) to provide clean water within the Charsadda District, where 15 villages are suffering without access to clean drinking water. Throughout this district, over 79,000 people have been directly affected by the floods; the destruction of infrastructure has left many of these villagers displaced and many are living in government schools, tents or with host families.
The roads leading to these villages are completely flooded with water making it impossible to transport drinking water. The solution to this problem is installing 12 water hand-pumps throughout these villages, which will allow more than 25,000 people access to clean drinking water. Other items such as blankets, mats for sleeping, pillows, hygiene kits and small water coolers will also be provided by ADP and its partner. The funding for this project is Rs. 595,500 for 12 pumps throughout the villages.
Within these villages, community groups of 3-5 members have been formed to supervise the maintenance of the pumps. These groups are trained on how to properly use and repair the pumps. The success of the project depends on the ability of the community to self-regulate the use of and take care of the pumps.
Client: Association Development Of Pakistan
Director, DOP, Editor & Affects: Ozair Rao –
Produced on: 25th December, 2012
Produced By: Artistrocrat
Special Thanks to: Paradox Studio